Pardon our dust

Good afternoon and welcome to the Multiversal Gamebook, a work of interactive fiction in which you play the role of a ranger of the Nexus, tasked with exploring the Multiverse, rescuing the innocent, and destroying evil. Equipped with your laser baton, environment suit, and Multiversal Compass, you will go forth and conquer in the Director’s name.

Combining elements of Doctor Who and Star Trek with a little sprinkling of Biblical themes, the Multiversal Gamebook is perfect for adult audiences who love a little complexity and adventure in their science fiction.

Right now, this site is about a third of the way toward initial completion. I say initial because once all the prose is polished and all the links are established, the Multiversal Gamebook will open up to submissions from readers like you. That’s right, you’ll be able to contribute to an ongoing story and even create your own branching pathways within your own worlds.

In the meantime, please feel free to poke around, leave likes and comments, tell your friends, and most importantly, be careful. The Multiverse is a dangerous place, filled with boiling worlds, deadly life-forms, and hostile timelines. If you’re not careful, you might end up having fun.

In the Director’s name,

William V. Brust

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